Welcome to MathPad Help

MathPad provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for mathematical computations and notations. Here's a quick guide to get you started:

Entering Mathematical Notations

Math Equation: To start entering a mathematical equation, quickly press the Shift key twice. This will open a special field where you can type in your equation using intuitive commands.

Mathematical Symbols and Keywords

In MathPad, you can easily represent complex mathematical symbols using simple keywords. For instance, typing pi would convert it into the symbol π. The table below showcases some of the keywords you can use:

Advanced Features

Undo/Redo: Made a mistake? Use the undo button to revert your changes or the redo button to apply them again.

Save: Want to keep a record of your work? Use the save button to download your computations.

Print: Need a hard copy? The print button lets you easily print your work.

Available Symbols: